My name is Kasia Boratyn, I am a historian of contemporary art and architecture, my Alma Mater is the University of Wrocław and the University of Ca’ Foscari in Venice. I am a member of the Association of Polish Journalists and the International Federation of Journalists in Brussels and I report on the most interesting artistic events taking place in Venice. I have been a licensed tour guide in Venice since 2015.

I am passionate about all forms of artistic expression, from the first evidence of prehistoric art, through the wonderful heritage handed down to us by antiquity and the genius of the Renaissance, to contemporary art, which is as controversial as it is still misunderstood.
Hence my mission:to help visitors learn about the identity of this extraordinary city and the stories, brilliant ideas and bitter compromises hidden in each masterpiece
My goal is to promote sustainable tourism, shaping conscious attitudes and choices that contribute to preserving the authenticity of this fragile city. I am deeply convinced that getting to know and supporting local grassroots initiatives can effectively counteract the false image of Venice created by marketing, which reduces its specificity to the function of an amusement park.